Impact vs Spend: How Do You Maximise Your Efforts?

What should we be focusing on?

ashmia Ismail-Saville AskAnExpert Podcast Gareth Armstrong Youth Employment Services Maximising Impact vs Spend

Whether in the public or private sector, running a non-profit or business, the ever-present question imposed on us is:

How Do You Maximise The Return On Your Efforts & Investment?

Part story / part insights, this is how Tashmia Ismail-Saville is ensuring YES are placing intelligence and impact over “lipstick on a pig“, and is a brilliant example of how we can do the same.

We talk:

  • Three things needed to maximise impact
  • Real world examples of these in action
  • How and why YES is doing things differently
  • and more.

Don’t miss this #AskAnExpert conversation.

MeetTheCEO Google Podcast Gareth Armstrong

MeetTheCEO Google Podcast Gareth Armstrong

MeetTheCEO IONO Podcast Gareth Armstrong


AskAnExpert Podcast - Tashmia Ismail-Saville - CEO Youth Employment Services - Impact vs Spend Maximising Effort Convo Gareth Armstrong web

Tashmia Ismail-Saville

CEO of Youth Employment Services (YES)

With a belief that solutions arise from the crowd, Tashmia leads a talented and purpose driven team who connect into a network of problem solvers and people who are motivated to pay it forward. She believes inclusion in our time is possible, with innovation and a fresh mindset.
YES has an ambitious target set by the President to connect 1 million youth into
economic participation.

Tashmia is interested in building an inclusive economy by working on youth employability.

Research interests include behaviorally based, digitally delivered, skills training, entrepreneurship, network theory and employment creation. All of which are closely related.
